Have I ever mentioned before, that I have a Facebook Page, also called "My Uncomfortable Mind"? Feel free to check it out. Sometimes I post articles, and also updates, about myself.
I recently posted some information on my Facebook Page, that I had not mentioned in this blog.
I, recently, have been making plans to recieve Electro-Convulsive Therapy (formally referred to as "Shock Treatments"). I can't kick, this Depression, this anxiety, this paranoia.
I had this procedure done, many times, about 4 years ago,. However, I had a few bad experiences, at a nearby hospital. As a result, I gave up on ECT, then.
I remember, me, being pretty much out of consciousness, with a female nurse, shouting at me, when the procedure ended: "Christine! Breathe! Christine!!! Breathe!!!. The nurse later asked me, if I had Asthma. I replied: "Yes".
I also had 2 bad experiences, where, not enough anesthaesia was used. I remember, laying on the gurney, as they administered my Intro-Venous medicine. I shut my eyes, I tried to moves, and I was paralyzed, I tried to open my eyes and couldn't. I tried to breathe, and I couldn't. I tried to scream, then I finally passed out. This was the result of not enough anestaesia being used.
This time, I will be having ECT, in a World-Renowned hospital, in Boston. I like the Psychiatrist, who will be treating me. I feel more confident, this time.
But, I cannot lie. ECT, really helped me years ago, but, still, I am terrified. Prayers, please.