A lot has been happening to me, physically, emotionally and mentally. I have been vomiting just about every day. But what is most concerning, has been sleep disturbances. I see strange creatures crawling the walls, while awakening. I have hallucinated also strange boys in my bedroom. I swore that mice were sleeping with me. When I turn the light on, nothing and nobody is there, except for my husband.. I have also found myself awakening downstairs on the living room sofa, after sleepwalking from the bed to the sofa. I have horrifying nightmares, as well. To be safe, I went for an MRI today.
I have gone for Brain MRI's before, but this one hit me hard. I cried all of this morning before, the procedure. I am being attacked by Depression, badly. I took 2 tranquilizers spaced apart, but still panicked and cried when they put a mask on my face., before the MRI. I am claustrophobic. They told me to keep my eyes shut, so I did.
I survived my MRI, but for some reason, I just don't have a positive feeling about this. The Doctors tell me that, there is probably nothing wrong with my brain. It is entirely possible, that this is trauma related. As you may know, my father was physically, emotionally and sexually abusive towards me. For this reason, I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. For this reason, I will probably always have trauma issues.
I have discovered, over the years, that mental or traumatic stress can produce some really, fucking strange, scary symptoms.