I have been trying to write new posts, but I feel will like I have failed. For over a year.
I have been self-absorbed, in my physical health.
But truthfully, I have been suffering, emotionally and mentally.
Physically, I have had Diabetes Type 2 for like 11 or 12 years. But, in late January, 2018, I developed Diabetic Ketoacidosis. My blood sugar escalated, I could not stop vomiting, I had diarrhea, I was incredibly thirsty, but the scary part was that I had water on the brain, and brain swelling. Honestly, I felt close to dying. I spent 4 days in the Intensive Care Unit.
In July of 2018, I was hospitalized , for a kidney infection. And then in November, 2018, I was hospitalized for another kidney infection. I thought that emotionally, that I was doing OK.
Yeah, right.......
My husband kept telling me that my "My Closet Door In My Brain" was about to open. I didn't believe him. And then, within the past week, I watched a program about Michael Jackson's Neverland. It described, by victims how Michael Jackson had violated them.
This completely set me off.....I fell apart, remembering how I have been sexually abused by my sperm donor and 5 other men.
Oh, my Lord.....please take away the pain.....I am dying inside.