Yesterday, I worked, a 7 hour day. That's a long day for me. My supermarket job is very physical, lots of lifting, and I think that at 45 years of age, I am getting too old to work 7 hour days, doing that type of job, because my body really hurt, long before the end of the day. I noticed it the most in my hips, where I have arthritis. But, I'll try it again if they ask me to, after all, yesterday was a very busy day for me, at work.
Today, I am feeling pretty good. I'm listening to some of my favorite music, Jimi Hendrix, and Justin Timberlake, and we did some housecleaning. My husband & I are planning a trip into Boston today. It's 41 degrees Fahrenheit out there, a good temperature for this time of year in New England, good walking weather. I just hope that the city is not too crowded, as that can be very overwhelming for me.
I have started to attend a peer run center for adults with Mental Illness. By going there, I'm meeting new people, and attending support groups, and other groups like creative writing, art, knitting, yoga, etc. But I hated yoga, lol. They also do a lot of advocacy, for people with Mental Illness, and are affiliated with NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), which is a wonderful organization. I feel that by going there, I am really helping myself. I always look forward to going to the center
I am doing more volunteer work at my church. There was a fire there recently, in which I was present, so I have been playing receptionist a few hours a week to help the office manager. I don't mind, but my weeks are getting full, and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I need more down time where I can sit around in my pajamas all day. But they stress that people with Depression should stay busy and active to help keep their minds off of the Hell. I just need to find a happy medium. I need to find time to bake cookies soon, lol.
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