Tuesday, May 7, 2013

     It has been 5 days since my last blog, and it never ceases to amaze me, how time changes things.   I am on vacation this week, for a much-needed rest.
     Emotionally, I am feeling good, I am in a happy mood, and I am happy that Spring is finally here.  I have spent time with some good friends and my husband, and it has felt great.
     Physically, I am doing OK, though, I still have no appetite.  I eat about once a day, usually dinner time, and I eat about half of what I used to eat at dinner.  So, I'm not taking in a lot.  But I weigh about 225 pounds, so I can stand to lose a few, lol.  Even though, I have only lost about 7 pounds, I do feel more physically flexible, and a bit more energetic.  Sure, my weight loss is a good thing, but I have been in situations like this before, where I lose my appetite and lose a lot of weight.  It means that, I will eventually gain it all back at rapid speed when my appetite comes back.
    Thankfully, I am sleeping better.  I still, usually, wake up several times in the night, because I am hot and sweaty, and then I end up getting cold, BUT, I fall back to sleep easily now.  And because I am on vacation, this week, I have the time to sleep several hours past my usual waking time.
     I am no longer feeling tired, worn out, burnt out, etc.  I think that my decision to take a vacation from work at this time was very wise, and prevented me from having a break-down in the near future.  I am learning, over time, to recognize the things that trigger my PTSD and mental illness.

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