Right now, I'm battling bronchitis and asthma, so my body is sore and tired, but my mind is doing well. I had been worried about the approaching, hot, summer months, because they bring back bad memories and flashbacks.
I wrote about it last summer. Basically, I talked about how spending the summer with my twisted, perverted father, during my childhood years has haunted me. This summer seems different though. I feel much happier than I did in past summers. The weather has been extremely hot and oppressive, but it hasn't really triggered me yet. Thank you, Lord, for bringing me peace!
I don't know if other people with mental illness go through this also, but I have noticed, through my life, that I tend to get physically ill, a lot more than my healthy peers. Personally, I think it is because my body spends so much time fighting off the stresses of PTSD and Schizoaffective Disorder, that it has little energy to fight off physical illnesses. I have diabetes, high cholesterol, GERD, asthma, and I used to have a lot of migraines. I tend to get colds a lot, which often leads to bronchitis, and other minor illnesses.
I am very curious if other people with mental illnesses have this problem, of having a lot of physical illnesses as well. Please feel free to give me feedback!
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