Although I have felt mainly happy, for quite some time, I still have struggles, periodically, that shake up my world.
This past week, was especially hard on me. It might sound silly, but my anxiety started around a toothache, and an appointment I had to make to a dentist. I haven't been to the dentist in about 3 years, because I fear the experience so deeply.
Anxiety started setting in on Saturday, when my tooth started to hurt, and on Monday the anxiety attacks started. Tuesday, I started having flashbacks of being abused by my father, in unspeakable ways. I was, hysterically crying by 7 AM, sitting in the car, in full work uniform. My gracious husband called my boss and told him that I would not be going to work that day.
My Mother knew that I was too upset to go to work that day, I could not conceal my pain when she called me on the telephone. But, I didn't have the heart to tell her about my flashbacks.
I talked to my Therapist and Psychiatrist over the phone. My Psychiatrist gave me a prescription for a few tranquilizers, and my life consisted of work & sleep, until Thursday morning when I went into Boston to meet with my Therapist.
My Therapist asked me why the dentist appointment was triggering terror & flashbacks in me. I told her that I didn't like things being put into my mouth, that didn't belong there. She understood right away what I meant, and if you are a child abuse survivor, you will too. "It's horribly invasive, isn't it?", she said.
She also asked me if it was possible if my flashbacks were dreams. I think that possibly, she is supposed to ask me that. But my gut feeling was to punch her in the face, for what I perceived, was her doubting me. But, in my calmest attempt, I told her that these flashbacks were so real, that I actually physically felt the abuse happening to me.
On Friday, I finally went to the dentist. I took a tranquilizer before I went, and was calm. Fortunately, just x-rays were taken, and I learned that I need 2 crowns, just for starters.
I think, however, that as time goes on, my dental appointments will become easier for me.
I am now confronting this fear.
Chris, I've known survivors and I know that it isn't easy. (I've had my own problems but nothing in comparison) And I know how anything, even something completely disconnected such as a dentist appointment, can cause these rubber band moments that suddenly snap you back to the past hurt. Even experiencing them all over again. It is helpful to make the connection, to face the "anxiety" for what it is, a reminder, yet don't give it any power to continue to hurt you. Things will remind you of those past hurts and at times consume your every thought but remember he can't hurt you any longer, you survived. What he did was terribly wrong and no child ever deserves to suffer such abuse but now I pray that you now allow the great comforter, the Holy Spirit, to bring you peace so that you may do more than survive, but live! That as you learn to live again that you may also continue to help others who have gone through similar experiences but no longer victims, or even survivors, but as overcomers! Grace and love to you and your readers - be blessed!