Tuesday, August 5, 2014

     This past week and a half, have been wonderful for me.  I have been busy, doing things that I love,and I think that business can contribute to happiness.
    I spent some hours volunteering, in the office of my church, last week, doing basic receptionist work.  I will also be doing work there tomorrow.  I have been volunteering at my church for at least 7 years, and I love doing it.
   I went out for a few meals with friends.  I got to have lunch, on one day, with the interim Pastor Marlayna, of our church, at a nearby diner. It was delightful, getting to know her one-on-one.
     Yesterday, I went to see our Associate Pastor Judy, after baking her a loaf of homemade cinnamon bread. YES, I bake sometimes.... She is also a wonderful friend of mine, and she fell down some stairs, and broke one foot and the other ankle.  So poor Judy, has been stuck at home, for the most part.  She is blessed to have a wonderful, helpful, partner at home, taking care of her.  Judy, I have been praying for you.
    I  saw my psychiatrist, last week, and she was pleased that I was recovering from all that ailed me over the past few months.
    As a survivor of PTSD, and Schizoaffective Disorder, life can really hurt, at times, but the good days are so appreciated, so unbelievably joyful.  That is what makes life worth living....the good days.

1 comment :

  1. It warms my heart to read this after the struggles of the last month. I believe in you !!
