I am writing this blog entry at about 1:40 in the morning. Usually when I write, I listen to music, specifically, The Moody Blues. Not this time.
I have been sitting in relative silence except for the sound of the fan, and my sweet, deaf cat's snoring beside me. I have been thinking about Rev. Jena, for the last 4 hours, and how she impacted my life.
Up until this point, everytime I thought of Jena, I cried. She was a remarkable, wonderful, spiritual person.
I can't tell you with accuracy, when we met. The years have been rather rough on me, with, numerous visits to psychiatric hospitals, for treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Schizoaffective Disorder, Panic Disorder I was prescibed almost lobotomizing medications, I experienced Electro-Convulzive Therapy (shock treatments), many times. All of this contributed to memory loss, over the years. I would give anytthing, to remember my times with Jena.
What I can tell you, is that Jena never judged me, for my illlnesses, she visited me, prayed with me, and sent me notes when I was in the hospital She always had a great hug for me and my husband, Frank. She told me that she loved me, and referred to me as "Sweet Christine".
My heart broke, when she told me that she didn't want to die. Honestly, I didn't quite know what to say, but I replied "Jena, you're going to Paradise" Jena said: "I know", and we talked about how all those, that she'd loved and lost, human and animal, would be waiting to see her again.
Rev. Jena was just 49 years old, and died from the horrible disease of cancer. I think about her children, which are only in theire early twenties, and still need their Mom. Peolpe have mentioned that they were concerned for me, over Jena's passing. I am hurting, like all of us who knew Jena are.
I feel blessed that she was in my life. I felt blessed to attened her Ordinaition. I was, in some way blessed to be able to see her one last time, I was blessed to be her friend. Rest In Peace, Jena,
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