Saturday, May 12, 2012

     I am wrestling with the idea of losing the "X" and using my real name, but I am not sure if I am ready for that.  To be honest, I'm afraid to use my own name because there's a lot of evil people out there, who do not accept people with mental illness, and I don't want to be hurt, physically or emotionally.  So I'm sending this out to people I trust and they can send it out to people they trust.  That's the hope anyways.  In time, when I am stronger inside I hope that a lot of people will read it and understand that there is no shame in being mentally ill.  In an ideal world, I would not feel like I had to hide, but even a lot of my Facebook friends do not know what I struggle with.   Also, I think that deep, down, inside I am not fully comfortable with myself yet.  I know that for awhile I harbored a lot of hostility towards my own brain, because it "plays tricks on me".  But I can't trade it in and get a new brain, I can only try to repair the one I have.  And learn to accept it.


  1. I think X is powerful. When I am not feeling great and I want to hide a little, I wear makeup. You may be able to write about things in a way as X that you would not be able to if you "outed" yourself. In the end, you will make the right decision. You have my support.
    Love, Cera

  2. Thank you, Cera, I think you are right!
