Tuesday, May 29, 2012

     I am starting to feel better today, compared to how I felt in my last blog entry.  Even yesterday, I was not myself.  My husband took me for a drive and we ended up in Harvard Square.  He parked the car and persuaded me to take a walk with him.  I hated getting out of the car.  We walked to Newbury Comics where I got a Crosby, Stills & Nash CD, and we went to Ben & Jerry's for chocolate frappes.  I knew I shouldn't have one because I am Diabetic, but I was looking for anything to make me feel better.  And even though we were in exciting, cultural Harvard Square, I didn't want to be there another second.  I was overwhelmed with the need to return home immediately.  Once home, I hugged my favorite pillow with a death grip.  I felt so lost inside.
     But today, I feel better.  Not 100% better but I was happy at work,  I did some housecleaning and had lunch with one of my closest friends.  I don't know what healed me, but it took days of pampering myself and doing what my inner instincts told me to do.  My wonderful husband took good care of me and prayed for me, and I prayed.  I think that God was listening.  And I am so thankful.


  1. This is wonderful news!! Who would think Cleaning would be good therapy??

  2. Folingo, I don't think that the cleaning was therapy itself, lol. But rather the good people around me, reminding me, with their kindness, that life is worth living.
