Saturday, February 9, 2013

     Three days ago, I saw both my Psychiatrist, and my therapist, and they both agreed that I am Depressed.  I didn't fully realize it, until then, because I wasn't crying a lot, I wasn't at the point of wanting to jump off of a bridge, in other words, I wasn't in crisis mode.  I just have a lack of interest in anything.  So, my Psychiatrist increased one of my meds, and slowly my mood is lifting.
      We experienced a blizzard, last night, here in Massachusetts.  We got 28 inches.  The thought of all that snow sent me into panic mode, with me shouting:  "There's no way, you're getting me outside in that shit", to my husband.  But I'm trying to consider it, after all, the snow is beautiful to see.  I know that if my mind was in a happy state, I would be eager to witness the amazing effect of a New England Blizzard.  But right now, I just don't care.
       My therapist also pointed out to me, that I have a lot on my mind.  I am concerned about a couple of children in my family, because their parents are separating and causing a lot of drama and the children have conveyed to my husband and I, their unhappiness.  It's causing me to have nightmares.  All I can do is be there for them, try to offer my support.
       But, I wish that I was a Superhero.  Then I could save everyone from their trauma, and then, I wouldn't have PTSD and Schizoaffective Disorder.


  1. You may feel like your not a SuperHero but you ARE a SuperFriend! And one of the most caring people I know. MMM

    1. Oh, Michele, you know how to move me to tears. But not sad tears, they are because I feel so loved.

    2. That last bit really got to me, in a good way. I can totally relate to that feeling of "Where would I be if only these things hadn't happened to me, or if I could just magically overcome them?"
