Sunday, May 27, 2012

     I have not felt like myself, this past few days.  I feel anxious, nervous, exhausted and physically uncomfortable.  I am completely unenthusiastic about life.  I keep trying to do normal things, like shop, but unfamiliar places make me panic inside.  I tried to bake a cake but felt panicky and paralyzed for fear of making a mistake on the instructions.  Whenever I go anyplace within just a couple of hours, I feel overwhelmed and feel that I must return home immediately. My body aches.  I fear that this is the beginning of something bigger and worse.  But I am praying that this will pass as quickly as it came.


  1. I am praying for you, may you find your peace soon.

  2. Thank God for people like you, who care enough to pray, for people like me.
